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The CYC team thanks all of our sponsors for their support in helping young Canadians shape their future!
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Direct contact with a network of youth!
25+ schools and 40,000+ families in York Region
Alexander Mackenzie H.S.
Aurora H.S.
Bayview Hill Elementary
Bayview S.S.
Bill Crothers S.S
Crofton House School
Dr. G.W. Williams S.S.
Earl of March S.S.
Father Michael McGivney
Julliard P.S.
Macleod’s Landing P.S.
Maple H.S.
Milliken Mills H.S.
Morraine Hills P.S.
Pierre Elliott Trudeau H.S.
Richmond Green S.S.
Richmond Hill H.S.
Silver Stream P.S.
St Roberts Catholic H.S.
St. Joan of Arc Catholic H.S.
Tommy Douglas S.S.
Toronto Montessori School
Unionville H.S.